how to tell if your rabbit doesn't like you

Instead, you’d think that you are being carried off by a wolf or eagle. If you can't be bothered to read a few short paragraphs, you have no business being responsible for another creature's life, you lazy, ignorant sod. So the question is, how does such a shy, badly abused bun come out of his shell so quickly? Are you wearing a new hand lotion? A hostile rabbit may express its displeasure in a number of ways. This behavior may also be … Rabbits can still be socialized after this, but it will require more time and effort. this afternoon i was playing with smokey , and she wouldn't leave me alone!! Watch out for destructive behavior like hyperactivity, anger, and self-destructive actions like pulling at its fur, gnawing on the bars of its cage, or overeating. i say if they bite whimper like you are sad. These can include not wanting to be handled, freezing, and running away. Being a bunny momma means time, patience and lots of love but I wouldn't trade it. What does this mean? but then he scratches trying to get a way. he freaks out starts making angry noises, biting, scratching and all sorts. I understand him. Never mind! If I go to close, she will stap her foot and run to the bedroom and continuasly stamp her foot at me. If your rabbit displays these signs, it may be very unhappy. Even that night, played on the bed with me and my bf, we petted him, etc. You may even be rewarded for all your hard efforts with a little bunny lick or two. Certain signs act as an early warning that your rabbit has encountered something bad or stressful. Rabbits are sensitive to unfamiliar food and can be distressed if their normal food is altered in texture, smell, or flavor. My rabbit is an intact buck male with a very strong dominant personality. I just adopted a bunny and my bunny seems like he didn't like me. The humping still hasn't stopped and I will be getting him fixed soon so he doesn't accidentally impregnate the girls. If the rabbit doesn’t react poorly to the height, you can try standing and moving around. I didn't give him some food for 1 min and i showed him some bannana but it WILL NOT EAT IT ! ANY HELP?! I have a 9 year old and I got rabbits as a pet for the family. I have a male Netherland Dewarf and I have had him for nearly 3 years now. Gradually your rabbit will stop reacting to your movement by heading in the opposite direction. If you believe that a smell is causing your rabbit stress, consider moving it to another area. I have tried being patient, giving her toys etc but her mood is starting to upset me. Here are some pointers: In some rare cases, your stressed rabbit may not go back to normal in a few days. But she seems so happy less than a second later. Now, get them out of the cage (even if you have to put a towel over them to hide their eyes and calm they won't bite you) Although you shouldn't have to do this with time, they will learn to love your play time. Meanwhile, you have responsible and clearly loving rabbit owners patiently trying to offer you advice, which likely is being ignored. I've researched and it says that they may get very aggressive and harder to deal with if not neutered. My bunny jumps out my hand when i hold him what do i do ... what does it mean ?? How can you tell if this is random instinct or a real problem? You can ask any of the rabbit owners who interacts regularly with his pet and then he will tell you that, just like dogs and cats, rabbits also know their owners very well. It doesn’t even have to be harmful. To understand rabbit behavior, you have to begin to think more like a rabbit! I love this bunny too though she is VERY shy. They can recognize you by your voice or even sight and it will even command on your voice, as they know you … She is three months old. But her behavior is getting out of hand and it’s getting frustrating. When you see them go pee or poo in their litter box, say yes, good job, and pet them if you can. Consider the odors in your environment. They don't just lick you because you smell deliciously like the apple you ate earlier or because of the salt on your skin. Lop-eared bunnies are the most susceptible. Rabbits get stressed out easily. one thing i found very helpful is dressing up in a bunny suit. she used to never bite but latley shes growlin and bitin me. Certainly seems that way to me. Getting to know your pet takes some time, so don’t venture into playing with your rabbit if you don’t yet know how far you can go. Rabbits have a. Alternatively, eliminate the bunnies’ habitat. I say no and clap my hands because I would never hit him or anything like that, but i feel like he doesn't care. You may notice your rabbit acting unfriendly, while dog and cat owners are lovingly bonded with their pets. My parents are reluctant but I'm sure I'll get them to agree.. And is there any important things I have to know? If socialization doesn’t happen, a rabbit will become aloof and afraid to be handled. She hates being picked up, which I am still trying to work around. Baby rabbits … i have a 9 year old black bunny he is so friendly it amazes everyone.. when i first got him it took along time to even get him used to me. She's adorable, and in some ways, friendly. If your rabbit suddenly doesn’t like being handled, consider your smell. ive bought her numerous kinds of toys and she has never been interested in them. Grunting is a sign of displeasure or fear. Hold out a treat and say your rabbit's name in a calm voice, giving the rabbit the treat and verbal praise if it approaches you. If you try to play with your pet and they're not interested no matter which toy you've got, it could be a sign they're unhappy. He tolerates me to pet him but no real like of me. My issue is now one of the girls has started to become aggressive at times. Stormy immediately began his domination of the other 2. Eventually, he went back to his cage and got water, and i closed him back in there =[. It's best to avoid reaching for your rabbit's food, toys, or litter box when he has grunted with disapproval at you. What many people don't realize when they are contemplating getting a rabbit is the sheer amount of time it can take to bond with a bunny. The odd thing that she does, is that she sniffs my legs! @Bunny lover - I don't think a 9 year old should get a pet bunny if you are expecting the child to take care of it by him/her self. I have done quite a bit of reading about bunnies in the last couple of months but I haven't seen much on having multiple sibling rabbits. The only problem I have with him is that he keeps moving his litter box around D: should I get him sprayed? we never had that with takhisis. It can also mean people, food, toys, and even noises have entered their zone. We bonded from day one, so I consider myself one of those "very lucky bunny owners". When your rabbit jumps on your lap is a big sign that your rabbit wants your attention. If you’re sure your rabbit isn’t bored, but she’s still showing destructive behavior, you might examine whether there’s something upsetting her. Just thought you might have some tips for me. To carry it, slip a hand under its torso, and support its behind with your other hand. i just want some help. MY bunny i got like 5 months ago and he don't like me picking him up and i have to and he hurts me from scratching me and i am 11, I have read a few comments and some say that rabbits are not suitable for young children. The friendliest but bossiest in the world. Walk around, past, and through your rabbit's area - not directly at him - and completely ignore your rabbit. I never knew this. I don't have lotions or scented soaps on them, so I am not sure what the deal is. This is a prey response, according to, Scruffing, or holding a rabbit by the scruff of its neck, should never be done. She said that I also have to check his nails and the rest of his body for an signs of diseases or injuries. :(, Hi,and i just got a bunny named Maya. Do you possibly think he's prejudice against women because of the teens? A happy rabbit wants to eat & will look forward to their food. When i got her,she sniffed me a bit and was a little bit nice but when we brought her home, she always shakes and tries to get away from me when i pick her up...Can someone tell me why and explain, i would love that.Also,I'm a big fan of rabbits!:). This may have a few possible reasons: Your rabbit may not like to be near you, but talking can help mend the gap. This allows your rabbit to show you that he/she loves you without lowering themselves to the act of grooming you. It is very fun to watch! This should help you bond with him. The food is not dangerous or bad, just new. But one of the worrying things is that Squggles eats anything and everything, from his food, to the the laces on our shoes, from our door, to my grans cigeretes lying in an ashtray, from his hutch, to his shed and many more things. Have you put on a strong perfume? Despite their domestication, rabbits are still descended from their wild ancestors. I just left the cage door opened but he wont even come out.Can you help me ? Imagine being a prey animal and being suddenly lifted off the ground. You’ll spend twice … No matter how often a rabbit is handled, this instinct is still at the back of its mind. The rabbit can and will struggle. In fact, toys actually improve the quality of your pet rabbits … Kicking Dirt in Your Face. I feed her fresh veggies and limited fruit twice a day, she always has pellets and alfalfa, fresh water and litter box. Now let them roam in the room. He will eventually associate coming to you as getting a reward. They radiate excess heat through their ears, so cool ears just mean that the bun doesn’t have any excess heat to lose, not necessarily that they are too cold. Maybe he can just sense he's in a good place now, maybe he's just crazy-happy to be out of his last home? he loves to chase the cats tail. I got a bunny from my boyfriend on my birthday. He doesn't mind me stroking him as long as he doesn't think I'm going to pick him up, then he goes all moody. He stays on my sofa and jumps off and on, runs around and comes to me whenever he wants me to pet him. SOLUTION: First, make sure that she is in heat (see our post on How to Breed a Rabbit – The Basics for more details). I am now working on training him to come to me when i call him ( give him a treat each time for now) so far so good! I am sorry to hear about the people having aggression problems with their bunnies. She is such a pretty and fun bunny, I just want to make sure I can bond with her as much as possible! but then I put her in my room and laid on the floor every day for abuot a week and just let her sniff me. Rabbits will also let you know when they want your attention. I just got a new baby bunny he is so sweet, I bought him at a rabbit show & while I was there my older bunny Misty won best in show & 1st place ribbon!!! The smell of your hand is acceptable and not a cause for stress. You wouldn’t think that you were being lifted for love or affection. Your email address will not be published. i do eveything i can to help my bunny but she is always scratching me and at a dramatic state when i am holding her. Rabbits at this age should also be given pets and cuddles. She's to scared to use her litterbox as well. They require a lot of care and patience. Don’t get a rabbit, get two rabbits. So then we got her a pen that is five feet and is taller than me.PS I'm eleven. He loves rubbing his chin on things especially toes it's really cute. Maybe even hold him while you feed him. I just got a dwarf bunny and omg he is sooooo cute!! my bunny Tallulah is really moody. meeeeeeekaaaahpalinns on October 20, 2010: I have a rabbit called Roy, I have got a new one called Ronnie. The rabbit may dislike the food. She runs and hides in a corner (DEPRESSING) and wont move. The licking means your bunny loves you, the nipping is just your bunny saying he/she can't get enough of you! U don't understand how we are perfect to each other. i dunno if shes scared or just grumpy or what. My 9 year old isn't capable of properly caring for our rabbits on his own. Any advice on having multiple buns would be great. They are mad, and rightfully so...wouldn't you be if your existance was limited like this....? I am 11 and my bunnys hate the guts out of me, they were 8 weeks when I got them and I hav tried everything to mak them like me but it dosent work, what do I do? Instead, have it figure out things on its own. Do checks every now and again to ensure your rabbit isn’t slowly chewing through your bedframe, Shawshank style. i kno I'm bragging but i thought he was going to die recently but he survived his op so I'm so happy.
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