Obviously what was happening was that there was not enought DHT in my system to offset the estrogen, whatever the level was back then. I even had my libido back on one morning (felt like having sex, got an erection but still numb feeling). Taking care of this organ might be helpfull. YOu have to focus on the mechanism rather then just judging your profile by the blood stream levels. Five weeks later I was on a holiday for two weeks. He ran some blood tests on me and found estradiol to be low/normal, dht was in range as well. In these cases, GnRH is secreted by the hypothalamus but does not stimulate LH secretion by the pituitary. ¿Qué puedo hacer para detener la caída del cabello? I sometimes wonder how long my liver is going to survive all the medication I am taking. can you measure oxyticine ? In the whole chain of reactions it is somewhere in the midlle where elevated progesteron supress LH, FSH release, decreasing oxytycine output then. after having tried just about every hormonal treatment known to mankind my doc is now of the opinion that i must have somehow become androgen resistant due to propecia. "Another cause of isolated secondary hypogonadism is a mutation of the GnRH receptor. Awor, do not lose hope. Finasteride reduces lower urinary tract symptoms such as daytime urinary urgency, frequent nighttime voiding, urinary hesitancy, weak stream, straining, and prolonged voiding). Needless to say my loss in the crown has got me nervous so I've been reading up on Propecia. Finasteride increases mean circulating levels of Testosterone and Estradiol by approximately 15% as compared to baseline. Although DHT seems to be a much maligned hormone in the MPB community, in the anti-aging community we view it much differently. Estrogens can’t be the primary cause either. he is not aware of any comercial lab that performs such tests in switzerland, though. After quitting, my state (all symptoms) got increasingly worse over the months (after the initial magic two weeks). Esto se muestra aproximadamente en un 80% de los pacientes. Have the usual issues of no doctor believing my story. I am 37 yrs old and have been on TRT (125mg Sustanon per week) for around 2 years now. Boy do I hate summer coming up… A number of new reports that are based on patient questionnaires … There is probably no single symptom of this “post propecia syndrome” which can’t be explained by androgen resistance (including libido, erectile function, …). I still was taking TRT gel for the first two days but couldn’t stand it anymore and stopped. I had a complete check-up done recently. breast/nipple tenderness) and developing gyno (fat lumps). Finasteride, also known as Propecia, is a prescription medication that’s been shown to effectively reverse hair loss. their reaction could possibly be the basis for a law suit. DHT is not a serum based hormone but rather a intra-cellular hormone which is created there where it is needed. I don’t really expect any substantial improvement in terms of ED or libido. From a clinical point of view I seem to be in perfect health. Potential side effects include decreased libido and disturbed sexual function, but the majority of research shows that these sexual side effects are reversed when the drug is withdrawn. The following abstract generated a lot of interest in the topic, and there is a foundation dedicated to understanding it more fully. Do you have your pre/post Finasteride bloodwork available? What is going on`with your progesteron levels? How has it gone with the finasteride and TRT? Most of guys here have elevated progesteron and this is propably the major issue in this field. Our primary hypotheses are that slightly higher-than-replacement T plus finasteride will safely 1) regenerate BMD in this population via antiresorptive actions, 2) enhance muscle CSA and improve neuromuscular force production, and 3) improve body composition. Finasteride has likely saved dozens of lives and even if you factor in suicides that, allegedly, resulted from finasteride use (which is questionable to say the least), it has probably saved more lives than it's (allegedly) taken. He is not considering testing at the enzyme but rather at the receptor level (see below). Look-up hair cloning and PRP as alternative therapies as well. Check your blood for the possible presence of this bed bacteria, and I also suggest you doing the test of your stool to seek for the diferent types of bacteria that can also devastate cells after this imbalance in the auto immune system. More impotant is to get your full bacterial feedback from your blood, urine, stool including all types of chlamydia, peptites… and anything that you might get during the time your immune system was downregulated. While TRT won't cause it, it will accelerate the process somewhat. After 6 weeks I started with TRT again (1 gel per day). About 3 months after this whole thing started I couldn’t sleep anymore. It has beneficial effects on mood, muscle gain, metabolism, libido and erectile function among other things, which balance the negative effects of acne production and hair loss. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22789024. This patent is set to expire in Nov 2013. No painkiller would help. As I got “resistant” to those I had to add Temesta. Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Endronax) to get me back on track again – highly recommendable. Very depressed despite Endronax (but without Endronax I would be guaranteed not to be here anymore). I then tried Arimidex which improved the pain situation further. the renowned names in the states). Specifically Dromostanolone (Masteron) either propionate or ethenate. This would certainly take care of any gyno, body fat (pot belly) and physical fatigue issues. I had an MRI and found a .5cm cancer, clean margins, perfectly round and dead center of the prostate.I’m doing active surviellance and the DR wants to start me on Finasteride and continue TRT. LFT (Liver Function Test - AST, ALT, etc.) Awor, you are in the wrong forum. I have clearly become insensitive to androgens. I then fell into the deepest hole of my life with lots of dark thoughts. You might also want to investigate 17b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 3 Deficiency? But the very least, please seek counseling as termination of life is not an answer…nor is it a topic that should be discussed here in this forum. This is just a theory, but I’m not sure if it holds any water since I and others DID RECOVER when we quit the drug – approximately 1.5-2 weeks after stopping, as DHT returned… however, recovery was short-lived and within 1-2 weeks of initial recovery, things starting going downhill fast (drop in T levels, shrinkage, loss of libido etc). But there seems to be a lot more that can go wrong in the androgen receptor and downstream signaling process. Higher pitched voice. Even 600mg test per week has no significant positive effect (I can only handle the injections by taking half a Aromasin with the injection). I started to use sleeping pills for the first time in my life. Even a high serum DHT value does not mean that 5AR is working correctly everywhere in the body. I also lost a lot of weight. Tinnitus got worse. My scalp is quite sensitive to DHT, I feel a sort of burning sensation normally. (see pages 45 - 62 for general info on AR function/mutations), propeciahelp.com/forum/viewt … t=mutation (note Fin also downregulates AR) Will help you sleep and get you morning wood – no kidding (but not that this solves anything). he already did genetic screening of my blood (cag repeats) but now he wants to check the actual ar activity at the cell level. But let’s face it: Serum DHT values are practically meaningless. Went through the same color changes and “it’s going to fall off” feeling like you described. Had previous gyno surgically removed last fall. My chest was burning like mad and my penis shriveled to the size of a hamsters. Understanding complex problems is not as easy for me anymore like it used to be. Unfortunately You will not find it at your blood work. Finasteride while on TRT has become a little of a controversial topic. I am now hopeing that that my body will adapt to that new level hormones and somehow find a balance again. I take 1mg daily of Finasteride. Hello I was on TRT since 7 years (primary hypogonadism). Primarily due to possible deleterious effects on libido and erectile function, aka the infamous Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS). gtron October 2, 2017, 9:22am #30. I had every … I am 24 and have been noticed a small amount of hairloss in the past 6 months in the crown area. A third cause is a mutation of the DAX-1 gene, which leads to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and to adrenal hypoplasia congenita. As weeks went by things started to improve. PS: Here are some materials your doctor may find of use in how to go about investigating Androgen Insensitivity/AR testing, if you care to present them to him to help: gendercare.com/library/tipslibrary7.html I grew a little taller, maybe an inch or so, but noticed no other improvements. I am off since 2 months and nothing has really improved much. As I mentioned before, you have morning wood – this in of itself is great news… many here do not, including myself, since taking the drug. I will write to Merck too and ask what to do. This mutation was also present in the germ-line DNA of this patient.”, "Taken together, we have shown here by CGH that prostate cancers appearing during finasteride treatment have only few genetic alterations and that, in some cases, alterations in the AR gene may be involved in the adaptation of the DHT-deficient milieu. My capacity to remember things is going south. I am currently seeking professional help to get myself out of my hole. Liver might play a huge role in this. I would prefer to wait without doing anything, but don’t feel I can wait for 5 years and survive it intact. It works by blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that processes testosterone to DHT. ", clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/c … /5/11/3578 Used to love listening to music. I do hope you stick around here and share your ideas, we need more discussion like this to try and figure out how to “reverse engineer” the issues Finasteride has caused, albeit to the best of our laymen abilities. However, I can understand your concern and not everyone wants to wait to see if things get better. Talk about loading the Cytochrome P450 /CYP3A4 system…, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=761, books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr= … gsZAvVuuWM, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewt … t=mutation, clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/c … /5/11/3578, pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articl … tid=544619, jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/80/7/2149, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgen_i … y_syndrome, jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/conten … /88/5/2185, rarediseasesnetwork.epi.usf.edu/ … x.htm#nomo, captura.uchile.cl/dspace/bitstre … /Rey_R.pdf, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=182, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1024, propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1023, questdiagnostics.com/brand/c … ities.html, bioscience.org/1996/v1/a/lee1/htmls/lee.pdf, geneclinics.org/profiles/and … tails.html. I am pretty depressed these past 2 days and have infact considered terminating my life at the prospect (and increased understanding) of the extent of the problem. Also here is a potential genetic test for mutations in AIS: jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/conten … /88/5/2185 I agree with you it may be more than just hormonal. It’s only been two months, I’d give yourself more time before commencing another form of treatment to see if things correct themselves… ie up to 6 months, or a year if you want to push it. Documentation of both (specially the latter) could prove to be invaluable in a court case. Will my hair ever recover back to what it was? after having tried just about every hormonal treatment known to mankind my doc is now of the opinion that i must have somehow become androgen resistant due to propecia. I haven’t slept in two days and now plan on taking tranquilizers and/or sleeping pills. There are also many other possibilities that you have to research. I am talking about progesteron. How long will the after effect of my Androgel use take to wear off? Had previous gyno surgically removed last fall. It would be much appreciated if you could post this in the Hormones section. YOu have to treat yourself well and add some hepatic enhancement pills like essentialle forte. Now, four to six times that much has no effect. Proviron further reduced the pain. Conclusion: Finasteride blocks the actions of 5-α-dihydrotestosterone that mainly … Now 20 months off, my mind is much, much clearer, I can speak without slurring my speech (a problem while on the drug), my short term memory is coming back, and the anxiety and depression experienced while on the drug are long gone. I personally don’t believe in, but wouldn’t rule out, metabolic issues. Aromasin was driving estrogen too low which caused negative sides. At the same time huge amounts of progesteron started doing finasteride job, even better then propecia itself, and not letting 5 alpha reductase to be reproduced. Massive muscle wastage (I was well trained with about 12% body fat prior to this crap), AIDS like face changes like you mentioned, bony fingers. otherwise, dht is normal (in the high part of the range) and hair loss has resumed the former pathway, as far as I can judge. Trt and finasteride Trt and finasteride. I quite often get morning wood and can get an erection if I try really hard. In other words, the TRT did not compensate for the erectile dysfunction experienced via loss of DHT. This never happened before. First, adjust your TRT schedule so that your bolus doses are more level. Curently I am waiting for my blood/urine/stool samples results. Edit: I wrote an email to the manufacturer of my generic fin and asked a response as I am seriously thinking about legal action. Finasteride while on TRT has become a little of a controversial topic. By Highhoops44, February 9, 2019 in Hair Restoration Questions and Answers. In Channel. However, this is just a theory. Awor:Sorry for asking, but what are your exact persisting symptoms? So I’ve been on Finasteride (propecia)for about 10 years along with Minoxidil (rogaine). Mental energy is pretty good, also thanks to Endronax. We researched the best online testosterone clinics to help you pick the most legit online TRT provider without ever leaving the house. Listen Top Shows Blog. Progesteron is the most potent natural DHT inhibitor. Keep us informed as to your progress, and looking forward to your insights on TRT should members decide to pursue such a treatment route. Question: What was the result of the genetic screen (CAG repeats)? The reason? I have gone from rather aggressive (in a positive sense) to very mellow personality wise. Here are some details on testing for 5AR activity via “Adiol-G”, a metabolite of DHT, either via blood or urine. HOWEVER – if you still want to investigate the mutation route further, I can’t say I’ve come across any studies that directly relate Finasteride as causing a mutation in 5AR-II… however, these may be of general interest (note some relate to prostate cancer, however, thus may not be relevant): books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr= … gsZAvVuuWM I stopped daily Aromasin (but kept Nolvadex to this day) and went over to the androgen side of the equation. I had a bad T/E ratio coming off of fin but that stabilized within a month to what it was before fin. Shouldn't stopping TRT nip that process in the bud? To combat this I decided to take Finasteride, which turned out to be a very bad decision. I too am under numerous medical tests because of this, and the doctors seem clueless about how to fix it. Then I found my doc. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. However, as in family 1, enzymatic activity is sometimes within the normal range (6, 15). CAG repeats where in the high-normal range suggesting slight androgen insensitivy to start out with. Not sure how though… anyway, as for Androgen Resistance, have you investigated Androgen Resistance/Insensitivity Syndrome? Es decir, solo en un 20% no se … I've read a lot about the sides of Propecia and the … Finally, the activity of 5a-reductase was evaluated by using the testosterone/DHT ratio after hCG stimulation. There are different ways to stop TRT. Home Videos Reacting To Joshua Fluke Summarize His First Year On TRT And Finasteride. With “AR” I was referring to the androgen receptor and not to the enzyme (5ar). Started loosing a lot of hair after switching from injections (Testoviron, 250ml every two weeks) to Testogel 50ml (daily). I suspected an estrogen/androgen misbalance of some sort. Still am taking sleeping pills. Also note that elevated liver enzymes can occur as a result of Fin use: propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=182 Awor. Now I hate it. According to the earlier mentioned Merck brochure on Propecia, Finasteride also increases circulating testosterone levels by 15%. The fact you have morning wood return is a good sign. Has anybody ever considered that? We are talking about the pulsative mechanism of action. I call it a looped mechanism, because I strongly believe, that we can be stuck in this circle, despite we are not consuming any hairloss pills any more. in december, after getting no response, he wrote another letter.
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