But if someone who you were having a conversation with in real life said "HAHAHAHAHAHA I haven't seen that movie yet HAHAHAHAHA!" I'm the same guy as above, what about mario party 1, blink 182(maybe that was a little more for teens but remember I did everything my uncles and aunts did) nintendo 64, gameboy color, rokkos modern life( I think I spelled rokko wrong but whatever) If you were born 90-94 maybe 95, you're a 90's kid. Plaid shirts, torn jeans, light up sneakers were all considered to be the cool thing. The figure I see most commonly cited on the Internet is that "true" '90s kids are ones born from '85 to '94. Born 99. But yeah, i think that basically if you started grade 3 in the 90's you're a 90's kid. I don't really identify with those who experienced those ages later in the decade. Hell- if you were born in 94 but love surf music and the rat pack call yourself a 60s kid!!! You are right 93 should count. 2007 and 2008 were okay. I REMEMBER THOSE DAMN LIT UP SNEAKERS, ALL THOSE TV SHOWS, GAMES, AND SHIT I AM SO SICK OF THE BICKERING! I grew up watching reruns of Thats 70s show, and Malcolm in the Middle. Really? Here is your 90's story. The oldest 90's kid being 17 and the youngest 8 by 1999. I rushed to the tv every night at 7 just to watch Pokemon. so all you 96ers claiming 90s as your decade just stop and except the 00s. Many of the best things culturally in the 90s I was too young to appreciate, but what stands out most to me was the great kids television programming of the era. But some of those shows went into the 2000's so if ur born in 97/98/99 ur a 2000s kid! I'd much rather be an 80s kid, or even a 70s kid. T-9 Texting. This show follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. What criteria do you have for determining when and what cultural trends defined the decade and when they began or ended? You're a kid from some would say 3-12, but let's do 3-17 with 18 being the official age of entering adulthood. Lol, it's a baby girl named Madison whose childhood sucked so bad she spat out her binky and wanted to watch another episode of Jersey Shore. The logic of CatDog never made sense to me but I would watch it anyway and not a single fuck was given. 21. Yeah I remember watching Rocko's modern life and renting VHS and owned a N64 from 96-99, but I don't remember Nirvana or the start of Bill Clinton's term. 1980-89 are 80s babies and 90s kids and 1990-99 are 90s babies and 00s kids, to be a 90's kid, like previous comments said you have to remember most of the decade..MOST the MAJORITY meaning more than 5 years.. 1998 is lumped with 1997 and 1999, 1997 is lumped with 1996 and 1998, and so on. Image source 2000’s kids. Andrew Hutchinson. Director: Patrick Read Johnson ... A group of junior high kids don't want to go to summer camps chosen by their parents. Lol being a 90s kid means remembering 1992 lol. I mean, I don't know about anybody else, but whenever I hear the opening seconds of Bob the Builder: A Christmas to Remember, I immediately cry with nostalgia. The ’90s was a special time full of unique music, TV, and culture. 90s baby!!!!! Our baby is 5 months and has never seen a screen and will not for quite awhile! Hopefully people will understand. The whole 90s kid label is just stupid, if you were born in '98 but like 90s better than today, call yourself a 90s kid. I was born in early 94 and I don't really consider myself a 90s kid. if you were born in the 90's you really grew up in the 00's. 20. Not even human yet. If you were born after At what point did you grow up in the late 90s? I fully remember nano pets, Furbies and the annoying advertisements for them, when childhood did not revolve around technology or trying to be more mature then what you really are. … For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. And finally let me just get something straight, you early '90s pricks ARE NOT the judges of what passes to be a '90s kid so stop thinking you are. '93 and i still remember most of the stuff that happened (: i think anything after '94 is not. 1970's or "I listened to 90s music in 2005!1!!1!! But I'm biased. Something went horribly wrong in the middle of the last decade, so there's the gap. Born 1986-1989 - Full '90s kid Just because you were born in the 90s, that does not mean you grew up on 90s style, you grew up on 2000 and up style and music. That seems fair. That distinctive, laid-back feel was uniquely 90s and early 00s. I had a gameboy when i was 7. like i said the 90s trends didnt end as soon as 2000 came around. It's perfectly normal for someone to say "lol I haven't seen that movie yet xD" on the Internet. The idea that things from 2003 could be considered 90s is a huge stretch. But someone born from 90-92 is an entirely different matter. Let me explain cause most of you guys don't have it right. :). You can’t lay claim to being a 90s kid lol. This generation absolutely sucks, and I feel no shame in saying that. :'(. People still went to work and carried on with their daily lives. Check your inboxMedium sent you an email at to complete your subscription. YOU HAD A FAIL CHILDHOOD! You are a 00's kid, not a 90's kid at all. My sister wasn't watching reruns so neither was I. BTW - your behavior here shows that you didn't learn anything from the 90's!! My reasoning behind this is that childhood is from ages 4 to 12, with 8 being the median age. I have fond memories of the boy band and girl band craze of thee late 90s and the spice girls. Actually, when it comes to 93ers being 90's kids, it only applies if you were born in January, February, or March of 1993. Sign up for my monthly humor newsletter: https://eepurl.com/hoZRwH, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Why does it make you any better or worse of a person? And music? 1992-1995 births are early 2000s kids, which could be sort of counted as '90s kids' because the early 2000s were part of the millennium era, which began in 1998 and lasted until 2003, and still felt pretty 90s-esque. 1994 is just lumped with 1993 and 1995, not grouped like 1985-1994 or 1994-2003. Big deal, you watched different TV shows that had a different type... @idk what to think... i was born in 94 but dont really remember a lot of things until 2000.... @Ok here's my opinion on this s***. Beginning of the end: 2008 I remember VHS, and used to love 101 Dalmatians when I was 6 years old. 20. The core years of childhood are ages 6-10, which for me were 2000-2004. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. My brother started watching this in 96, when he was 10. By signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. I'm a 95er and I remember so much from the late 90s of me being 1 1/2 or 2 to 5 years old. I'm sure … Kids Born In 1995. :P. The 90s were fun and early 2000s were good too. The 90s ended, culturally, with the election of GB and 9-11. Last gasp: 1963 Last gasp: 1973 This is getting annoying, I mean all these posts about people being so arrogant just cause they were "90's kids". Whoopi Goldberg is a damn national treasure for several reasons, but her role in … Full swing: 1965 It will go on forever. 1. The kids before 93, they count, but most the bands they grew up to, before 93, were bands before the 90s. i was born 1994 and i consider myself a 00s kid and a 90s babies i dont get whats the big deal being a 90s kid anyways. I was born in late 1989, and things from the 90s and first half of the 00s seem so much different from today. So even if you are a 90s "kid", if your teens were in the 2000s, you typically still identify with, if not even more so, the era in which you were a teen. I had several older cousins who were born in the 80s that I was very close with as a child. IMO shows like courage the cowardly dog and Dexter were still running in the 00s. As a '90s baby, we were able to see the evolution of some of today's favorite foods--it's just that in the 90's, it tasted sooo much better! I won't even mention the cartoons since everyone else does anyways. To me the whole post-9/11 vibe didn't show up THAT quickly; tv and films are made well in advance, so the change isn't as noticeable until late 2002/early 2003. Last gasp - The year in which the last cultural holdouts of the old decade disappeared. hey thats not fair, I was born july 94 and my uncles were just 2-8 years older than me. Votes: 1,212. Many kids born in 2003-2009 experienced high technology when they were kids like Digital Cable(Pay to watch Cable) and IPhone(2007). Sister Act. Beginning of the end: 1959 That's true. I was born in late 1992 and consider myself a 90s baby and a 90s kid. I'm also not a 60s kid, but I enjoy the music from that era a lot, probably because the 60s and 70s were the inspiration for most of the 90s counter-culture. I have somewhat clear memories from as early as 1997. Now, to all of you saying that the 90s really went on until 2005 or so, NO THEY DID NOT. I remember a lot of those years, the cartoons, the movies, the songs, the boy bands, the toys, ... My brother was born in '89 and I grew up playing with him, with HIS 90's toys (because according to you, I don't belong to the 90's), watched to the same movies and the lived in the same decade. You don't "remember" anything. I was 10 through 18 in the 90s so I believe that counts. And proud about it we are. So that's my opinion, and does not have to be anybody else's opinion. Mate not everyone born 1999 is a 'Justin Bieber' generation that's an insult, he's a faggot so don't that. Follow Slackjaw on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I remember when 90's songs were still... @I've been feeling really nostalgic lately, so I might as well share. I was born in 1988, and fully consider myself a 90's kid, because even though and 90's culture carried over into the 2000's it wasn't the same. I can honestly say that I remember 1996-1999 quite clearly. No, you are just lying. Also, I think the 90's carried over culturally into the 00's a bit, maybe 03ish, so 90's kids aren't much different than early 00's kids. those born between 1996-2000). I was born in 84, so that makes me a 80s baby. So my cousin who was born in January '93 and, in YOUR logic, he's a 90's kid and i'm not. 90s kids are kids who grew up from 90-99 and 00s kids are kids who grew up from... @I was born in late '97, and I remember 90's culture in the early 00's. I just wish that I was 6 years old again. But I will agree that the 2000s was a decade with mixed influence in its trends. Hey Arnold! First signs: 1997 When did the 90s trends really end 2002 or 2003? 60s 70s was still in fashion too in 90s hippies, bell bottoms, tie die, etc.. the 80s and 90s are like the new 60s and 70s. I was born in 1984, and I'm certainly not an 80's kid, since I could only remember the last 2 years of the 80's, and I don't consider them that memorable. Remember, Rome wasn't built in day. But fanny packs found a… Actually, the most annoying thing is when you won't let us be nostalgic over our stuff, because we're 'too young'. Let us know! I don't remember any songs in the early 80s, I don't remember their toys or styles. A lot of my memories from the decade just relate to my family, my preschool life, and my pets, and I'll spare you of those. Here are just a few of the other reasons growing up in the 90s kicked ass: 1. What the hell, our childhood wasn't a failure you fukwit, we had ed, edd and eddy and shows like that the 90's show were also great but that doesn't mean that from 1999 and later is bulshit. I may have not lived through it, but I know some of the stuff that the 90's contained and a lot of that was still there in the 2000's. I was born in 1990. at a dad having a hard time with his kid in public. The Best Kids' TV shows from the 90s. If you wanna be a 90s kid be a 90s kid. If you're born in 1995-2000 you can call yourself a 90s or 00s kids it doesn't really matter. Damn that kid is gonna have everything, everything that is, except a last name. By the way, we have a reason to be arrogant. 00s kids, we lived our childhood JUST like you did, with some newer tech stuff and different, not BETTER, music. when did you graduate high school? If you were born in 1999, you were still an infant in 2000, and were a toddler in 2001 and 2002, and didn't become a child until 2003! There was no iPhones, I know for a fact iPhones didn't come out until late 2000's, the year, 2007. '95 is pushing it; it depends on the person. When the terrorists hit us, we lost that. It was like the world was flipped upside down, and yes, the change was overnight. Beginning of the end - The first year in which the culture of the decade didn't seem as authentic as it used to. I was born in late '97, and I remember 90's culture in the early 00's. It usually meant it was from … If you were born in 1980-1989, you are a 80's baby and 90's kid. Sorry, but just being a kid from 98-99 isn't even close. The emphasis of it wasn't as big or exaggerated, but it was still there. Write on Medium, My Friend Wim Hof Breathed His Way Into Heaven, I Got Hit By A Blimp The Other Day And I Don’t Understand Why Everyone Has So Many Questions, I Love Halloween (Because My Mom Stores All The Halloween Shit In My Bedroom), Poor Rich People: A Weekly Roundup of the Many Misadventures of the 1%. It just makes us feel bad! The 90's had some crazy shit, but the scale was different and social media did not allow for terrible things to be EVERYWHERE. In fact I wish I could have been born in 1978 so I could have been a '90s teenager/adult. Electropop fads started in the late 2000s but is still going strong today, and will probably be more associated with the 2010s rather than the 2000s. I remember 90's shows like "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". No, you're a 90's kid. We'd play with super soakers, tamagochis, pogs, pokemon cards, sky dancers, legos, bop-it, skip-it, yo yo's, (etc). This is a parody song video for the famous Tamil song "Rowdy Baby" with the theme of rewinding the nostalgic memories of the 90's kids. late 20th- early 21st century = generation... @If cutt off dates are really that important i would say 96+ isn't a 90s kid cuz at least 95ers were little kids in... http://children.webmd.com/news/...first-memories. Why is it that if someone born in the early 90s says this, they get thumbed down? It should be like 95+ shouldnt count as a 90s kid, they should be counted as a 90s baby. 90’s kids. Your Entire Life Is Documented. I was born in late 1990 but my friend was born in 1988 and claims he is a real 90's kid because he was born before the 90's started. It's funny that in this debate, the people arguing were all very young in the 90s. I guess I'm technically late 90s/early 2000s kid, but what does it matter? First signs: 1989 So everyone born in 82-91 can call themselves the kids of the 90's it doesn't matter if you were an older or younger one or how much of the decade you remember. (not that I don't brag either. My theory is if you don't remember most of the 90's then you don't belong to that decade. This is bullshit because I'm a '95 and I remember watching all the mid to late 90s shows like Johnny bravo, dexter, etc! Personally I'm friends with people who were born before 1995 in which that's the year I was born in and we all did what can be considered part of the 90s and I'm grateful my childhood was great. Yeah the 90's are over. I say we vote him in as a late 00's kid, pretty much as bad as you can get. These networks brought relatable characters that could help kids going through tough times feel like they were not so alone. Just wait. They're still growing up. Last gasp: 1981 After all, I'm pretty sure people born from 1984-1988 remember some 80's stuff in the early 90's. So if you were 4 in 1999, I guess you would be a... @You are not a 90's kid if you were born in the late 90's, enough said. Why do you guys keep saying that the "90s culture lasted until 2005"? Changes like these are gradual, they don't just happened at the snap of a finger. It sucks when you're kind of tall and the desks at school are too small for you. It's not like all the coolest things came out while you people were alive. You were born after March 31, 1993. I grew up in the 90’s and I am now a Momma to my sweet baby girl! If you were born from like 2003-2009 then I'm sorry I can't help you lol. HS Musical came out when I was 12 but I never liked that crap. everything was 80s parties and pop culture, we thought the 90s sucked. In the ‘90s, getting a letter was the usual. So, here's to you 9'90s, you were (as it was said back then) *dank! And that's cool! My brother, on the other hand, was granted an iPad filled with fun and interactive games to shut him up. Pokemon, courage the cowardly dog, the rugrats, all that, and ed, edd, and eddy, were a few of my favorite shows not to mention the powerpuff girls and scooby doo where are you I've read over this goddamn page a million times and I'm sick of all these dick head early 90s kids giving us late 90s kids grief. Although, I lived a very 90s lifestyle because I have three older siblings. I was born in 92(deffinatly a 90s baby) and I would say I'm a 00s kid cause that's the decade I fully grew up in . @born 92, remember everything from the 90s thank you. Urban pop, pop punk, and nu metal that were common in the first half of the 2000s were all carry overs from the late 90s, the only difference is that it wasn't until later on that most of those genres became more commercial. The toy selection in the ’90s was unreal — kids today have no idea how awesome toys used to be. I turned 6 in 2000 and I have a fairly good memory from that point onwards. The early 2000s and the late 90s are distinctively different, no matter how much 90s born teenagers would like to think otherwise. You are exactly right, most 90's kids are sooo arrogant. Being 4 is being a kid. Why do you have the 90s influence lasting so long after it ended, but have the 2000s ending just one year after it "officially" ended? We all eventually became the adults/young adults of the 00's. LMAO, Just cause we were infants in the early 2000's doesn't mean we can't remember anything, we can but just a bit and can also be blurry in the mind. Lv 4. So Fiddie Diddie and all those other bellends get a life and move on. Menu. 2. Someone who was born in 1994 remembers 1996 and 1997, years when they were only TODDLERS?! ENJOY YOUR CRAP CHILDHOOD, 1999 BABY! TGIF ended in the late 90s, but SNICK stayed until early 00s, the time when I was still growing up. Right, I'm sick of this shit. So basically late 80's and about 90-92 are pretty much the only "90's" kids. As I said before, there was still a lot of new music, tv shows, and films made before 9/11 that were released throughout 2002 and early 2003. That's the definition of ULTIMATE 90's kids. I can definitely listen to the Blur album "13" because at least I was alive for that one (it came out in March '99). I hate how you 90s kids are so arrogant. I think for a true answer we need to find a person born in the 1960s who would not have the rose tinted glasses on. What's the big deal if ur a 90's kid? Long live the 90's! I love 90s culture and would give anything to go back. In the early 90s there was still alot of trends, fashion, toys, music, and movies/shows still popular. I have been using the internet for along time and i remember in 2002 "80s" kids used to talk about how much better the 80s were compared to the 90s. Being born in '93 means that you were 6 years old when the millenium hit so you definitely remember being in the 90's. =), Also, the 00's years from 2000-2006 were great. Full swing: 1974 Mate I was born June 1999, I still have early memories of the early 2000's, I remember seeing the way people dress were still a quite similar to the 90's but not too much. And yes rememeber the controversy over "ebonics" 1993 is pushing it barely making the cut but 1994-1999 means that you are a 2000s kid because all your childhood memories took place in the 2000s and are still happening today because you were babies and toddlers at the time. Its not like when 2000 came around the 90s trends just went away. This is what drives me crazy. I was born in 91 and I am proud to be a 90s baby. You are a 2000s kid, not a 90s kid at all. I grew up with a lot of 90s music and culture despite not being a "true 90s kid". If anything we all pretty much experienced the same old things. Even if I'm not a true 90s kid, that doesn't take away the fact that most of my favourite music, TV programmes, films, etc. Refine See titles to watch instantly, ... After three kidnappers lose the baby they have kidnapped, both the cops and kidnappers go looking for the baby. Full swing: 1983 These events were culturally 2000s and what really began the security-crazed feel of that decade. I consider myself a late 90s/early 2000s kid. Maybe I am more of an 00s kid, who knows? Granted, the technology is so much better today, but the 90s were a generally more innocent time. Well so would a 99 baby.You both had the 2000s childhood experience. I mean, flannel was a way of … Sometimes people born in the early 90's or late 80's dont remember SHIT that happened in the 90's. As the OP, here's what I think. Andrew Hutchinson. Don't listen to what people say about you not being a 90s kids if you were born from 1995-2000. By the time you were 3 yrs old the decade was already over. late 94) and then have lots of memories from the third quarter and then definitley remember the entire fourth quarter crystal clearly. ebay.co.uk. There is nothing to debate here just go be what you want to be and stop trying to fit in a specific box and stop seeking approval from others. So I consider myself a 90s baby and 90s kid, as I was still 6 in 1999, but I also consider myself a 00s kid as well as I was still growing up in the first half of the decade. 1991 :) I was a baby and a kid!!! We are the last generation that actually had real childhoods, because we knew how to be kids. So I guess by your logic if I were to be born in '88 then I must be a Taylor Swift kid because we were born the same year. 95'ers as 90's kids?! Culturally, though, I remember hearing '90s music on the radio and on CDs in the car (Sister Hazel, Blues Traveler, Counting Crows, the Gin Blossoms, Uncle Kracker), watching "Pokemon" at my friend's house (I thought it was kind of stupid and a "big kids'" show, though, not one for me), begging my parents for a Furby, playing with Hot Wheels, asking my parents to buy me an original PlayStation after seeing ads for it, etc. Kurt cobain was dead before you were born. Because it isn't just about when you were born. Full swing: 2003 I remember the 80's well but the 90's were much more significant for me. The reason I don't identify as a 2000s kid is because I feel different compared to those who spent ALL of their childhood in the 2000s (i.e. Technology has grown and ruined society as wep know it today. Someone whose childhood was significantly influenced by the 1990's. Stop trying to be old young kids and let life takes its course. I kind of feel the same way however, I really should've been born in the 70s, that way I could be a teen in the grunge era. You know, the people who think Lizzie McGuire is the 90s. The terror attacks, the wars, the sharp political divisions, gay activism, craze with everything being big (think, Hummers, McMansions) are all uniquely 2000s. I would consider 2001-2005 to be the 90s hangover era, where people were still trying to catch up after all the hype and blind optimism built around the new millennium went away with Bush and 9/11. No, because 94ers spent TWO years in the 90s as kids, and SEVEN years in the 00s as kids. Plus no Justin Beiber. No, because being a child for ONE year in the 90's and being a child for EIGHT years in the 2000s is not even close. They Had the Real Power Rangers. Born in 99' too. Most Kids now days don't even go out side lol. You spent 10 years growing up in 00. I think it's funny that a lot of these kids think they're 90s kids because they were born in the mid-late 90s and they claim to have many memories about that decade. I had and can see very clearly .. Sooo yeaa I understand where u coming from but fashoo I Know ima 90s Kid/Toddler/Baby either one dont really matter On Ma Mama I was still born in tha 90s what your opinion is because everyone has one just like everyone has a asshole .. Follow. I'm also really proud to be a child until 2004, those days had the same 90's vibe, but i was born in the f** 90's! I like to say I'm a 00s kid cause in that decade I remember 9/11, Bush years, playing outside, starting middle school and high school, getting my first cell phone, the end of real cartoons, getting my drivers license, having a myspace, emo/scene was really popular, rise of smartphones, advancements in technology, that's my f**** decade and I'm proud to have grown up in it.
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